On October 7, Seoul city announced that it has completed constructing the “Seoul Job Electronic Labor Contract System,” the nation’s first blockchain technology-based public job electronic labor contract platform.

The ‘Seoul Job Electronic Labor Contract System’, which utilizes the ‘Seoul Pass Certification’, is built upon the “Part-time Workers’ Rights Protection Blockchain Platform” that was selected among the government’s “Leading Public Blockchain Pilot Projects” last year.

‘Seoul Pass Certification’ is an authentication service developed by Seoul city to use when the use of ‘public identity certificate’ ends. Blockchain technology is applied to the authentication technology to prevent forgery and alteration of certificates. Security and convenience are also improved through authentication methods such as passwords, fingerprints, and patterns. Certificates can be issued and managed through the ‘Seoul Citizen Card’ application.

The ‘Part-time Workers’ Rights Protection Blockchain Platform’ enables mobile-based labor contracts and work experience management to improve the working career of part-time workers.

Participants of public jobs in Seoul can complete the labor contract by entering personal information, name and contact information on the site through their PC or smartphone. In the ‘career management’ menu, application users can check all the work experience for which participants have signed a labor contract, and download it as a PDF to issue a career certificate for employment.

Annually estimated public work projects in Seoul, including New Deal jobs, are about 15,000. Currently, paper work contracts are handwritten and stored at most of business sites. Participants in the project have the inconvenience of having to go through each person in charge of the project to apply for issuance of a career certificate, which is also a concern of exposing personal information. In the future, through this application, employment contracts, storage, and history management will be done in digital.

Seoul city said, “In that part-time workers who had difficulties in managing their careers will be able to manage their own career certificates. it will further protect their labor rights and interests. It is expected that the reliability of the contract and the protection of personal information will be further strengthened because the self-authentication and electronic signature will be managed with the blockchain technology.”

Translated by Young Hwang