Block Weiss Ratings analyzed cryptocurrencies listed on GOPAX, Coinbit, and Huobiorea exchanges based on Weiss Crypto Ratings, which is US credit rating agency. Huobikorea and GOPAX had the relatively many high-grade coins lists.

Weiss test Technology, Adoption, Risk, and Momentum to reflect the latest information and evaluates the creditworthiness of the cryptocurrencies. There are 17 levels of rating ranging from A+ to U. According to Weiss Ratings, cryptocurrencies with ratings C- or higher has relatively good investment safety. Ratings below D+ are considered weak. All cryptocurrencies get re-rated every week by Weiss ratings. It also provides daily trading volume ranking information of cryptocurrency exchanges around the world.

GOPAX exchange is ranked 68th in the 24-hour trading volume ranking at Weiss (as of July 30, 2020). Omong 44 coins listed on GOPAX, there are 18 coins rated C-grade or higher, 41%, 16 coins of D+ grade or lower, 37%, and 10 unidentified coins, 22%.

Coinbit is ranked 176th in the 24-hour trading volume ranking at Weiss(as of July 30, 2020). Among 45 coins listed on Coinbit, there are 11 coins with C-grade or higher, 24%, 4 coins with a D+ rating or lower, 9% with 4 coins, and 30 unidentified coins, 67%.

Huobikorea is listed in the ranking at Weiss, but it is a large Chinese cryptocurrency exchange that provides trading pair in Korean won. Among 23 coins listed on Huobikorea (trading pair Korean won), there are 12 coins of C-grade or higher, 52%. 4 coins below D+ grade, 17%, and 7 unidentified coins, 31%.

In the case of GOPAX, the ratio of C-grade or higher cryptocurrency listed is higher than Upbit, Bithumb, and Coinone. There are relative small ratio of D+ rating or less. The good rated cryptocurrency listing rate is relatively high.

Coinbit has a similar grade distribution with Coinone exchange. The ratio of C-grade or higher cryptocurrency listed is 24%. This is 1% higher than Coinone. The rate of unidentified cryptocurrency is 67%, also similar to that of Coinone. Coinbit has many high-risk cryptocurrencies listed.

In Huobikorea (trading pair Korean won), C-grade or higher cryptocurrency accounts for 52% of the total. Based on the Weiss ratings, good rated cryptocurrency accounts for more than half of the listed. This ratio shows very similar to that of Korbit.

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